The Quality Control application analyzes any PNR created or modified by your agents. When missing elements are detected, the application can then:
- Automatically complete the information in the booking based on your rules.
- Automatically reposition the information by searching elsewhere in the PNR, or by obtaining it from another source (your information system, your CRM, …).
- Alert you when required information cannot be calculated or retrieved when it is needed, so that a manual intervention can be considered if necessary.
The quality of air PNR : an added value
When a travel agent makes a sale for a customer and creates or changes a booking file, he does not necessarily fill in certain information… :
- depending on complex rules unknown to the agent, for example the “reliability remarks” (OSI TO) that would be expected by some airlines
- provided elsewhere by the agent or by the customer himself (information related to an internal file, or even passport data, customer contact data, … ).
This information is however sometimes very important!
Some of them are necessary for the trip (you need to have communicated APIS data in order to travel to a certain number of destinations, for example). Others are essential to the quality of the service provided to the customer (so that the customer is informed of a last-minute cancellation, directly by the airline’s services for example).
The Quality Control application allows you to ensure this level of quality, and to optimize the time spent by your agents.
A set of 4 services that can be used together or separately !
Auto Ticketing
A set of services to secure the issuance of your tickets while optimizing it: the objective is to issue tickets at the right time, without the risk of losing your seats, but without anticipating the issue date so that your cash flow can be protected, whilst allowing changes to be made at no cost to the PNR.
2 modules :
- Calculation of successive issue dates : It analyzes all your GDS PNRs and inserts the nearest issue date (LTD/TAU), calculated according to specific predefined rules (linked to fares, airlines, remarks that are inserted in the PNRs at any time by the airlines, your own organization…). But this does not mean that all tickets will be issued on the same date : the service allows you to calculate and successively insert several issue dates in your booking files, which will allow you for example to issue the feeders first, while the long-haul flights can be issued later.
- Automatic ticketing: The automated ticketing service then takes the list of booking files to issue the tickets on the date defined by the service in charge of calculating the date of issue. Selective issue ensures that you can secure your reservations on the segments concerned by this issue date. The other segments remain changeable until the next calculated issue date! Beforehand, the service restores expired fares, and ensures that there has been no substantial increase of price compared to the fare that was originally defined. Many other controls can also be taken into consideration, for example to obtain an authorization to issue from your information system, if you choose so. If you have implemented our fare optimization solution (FareOpt), a search for better rates and notifications allow your agents not to miss an opportunity of saving on a PNR that should be issued within the day.
To secure reservations on Tour Operators (ITX) fares, complete them, quote the fares in the file, check the routes (for example, to report departures originating from one airport whilst the return sector is on a different one), stopover times (neither too short so as not to risk missing a connection, nor too long so as not to impose a disproportionate waiting time on your customers), SFPD/APIS data,…
To validate the consistency of the Mid-Office/Back-Office file with the GDS file, ensure that information is updated as the status of the file changes, provide information for airlines (SSR Child, Osi CTC…)
Customer service
To manage special requests and ensure quality of service (Frequent flyer, seats, special meals…), it is also possible that some information is transmitted directly to the airline via the PNR , without manual intervention from your part. We bet that your customers will appreciate that their Frequent Flyer number has been automatically added to their booking file, which may also allow them to have special conditions on the pricing of additional services.
Would you like to know more about it?
Quality Control will allow you to increase the productivity of your travel agents, and ensure that no more information is missing from your PNRs.
If you would like to know more about our application, the information managed and the installation procedure, do not hesitate to contact us!